In-Situ Data Conventions#

This page explains the requirements for data to be ingested into the DOORS System of Systems (SoS). To be exact, the data is ingested into the geoDB, from where it can be accessed by other systems, such as the viewer, the dashboard, or the jupyter lab. Meeting the requirements listed here ensures that the data is optimally supported by the SoS.

These requirements apply to in-situ data, i.e., to data that can be represented by a spatial feature or feature collection, in most cases a simple point. If you are dealing with gridded data, please refer to the xcube Dataset Conventions .

Basic geoDB Concepts#

In DOORS, in-situ data is kept within the xcube geoDB. The geoDB is a geospatial database designed to store, manipulate, and share vector data. It manages data in the form of collections, where a collection corresponds to a PostGRES-database table with a geometry.

A collection consists of properties, which correspond to the columns of a csv file or the attributes of a shape file. Each property is defined by a name and a data type.

The actual ingestion is made through python code, usually Jupyter notebooks. For some of the requirements listed here, it is well possible to format the data between reading it from the file and writing it to the geoDB.

Input Data Requirements#


  • Data should be provided in a file format that can be read in with the geopandas python package (e.g., ESRI shapefile or csv).
  • Unless you are not using the default WGS84 system, it is necessary to specify the crs. This does not have to be in the table but should be specified when creating the collection in geodb.
  • In case your data is not written using utf-8 encoding, you'll need to specify which encoding you use when the file is read in.
  • The data must not include a column named id. Such a column is created by the geoDB and required internally. In case your data has such a column, consider renaming it.
  • Have a clear and consistent data type for each column / attribute. Data types might need to be explicitly set during geodb ingestion.
  • In case you have no-data, please use 'NaN' rather than 'nan'.
  • To further group data entries in, e.g., the viewer, you may specify a grouping label. For instance, if you have measurements from multiple stations in the same dataset, you may have column/attribute 'station' and assign the name of the station to the entry.
  • Likewise, you may optionally include text labels to uniquely identify entries. Label and group properties are not mutually exclusive.

Geometry Requirements#

  • The input data must contain spatial information per entry. These can come in the form of a geometry defined
  • either in WKT format (e.g., POINT (28.37510 43.19370) )
  • or columns specifying the coordinate axes of a crs (for example, input data may define columns 'latitude' and 'longitude', so points can be determined from it).
  • A geometry must not be 3-dimensional.
  • When providing a geometry column, it must be named geometry.

Temporal Requirements#

The geoDB itself does not pose restrictions on the way time information is stored, however, other parts of the SoS do. We suggest to have a dedicated column to hold the date, and, if applicable, the time of day. In general, any time format is acceptable that might be converted to a pandas datetime object. Examples for acceptable formats for temporal information are: - 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:dd', e.g., '2023-11-08 13:35:50' - 'yyyy-mm-dd', e.g., '2023-11-08' If you do not specify date and time in the same column (but rather in two different columns) the system of systems currently will only recognise one of them. To specify your time information, please use any of the following column names: time , timestamp, date, datetime, date-time.

Anyway, providing temporal information is optional.

Collection definition#

Before data is ingested into the SoS/geoDB, it is first necessary to define and create a collection. This collection definition specifies a collection's crs and the names and data types of its properties. An example of such a definition is:

collections {
  "my_collection": {
    "crs": "EPSG:4326",
    "properties": {
      "Station": "text",
      "Label": "text",
      "Temperature [°C]": "float",
      "time": "text",
      "Measurement Count": "integer" 